November 1-3, 2024:
The Neurobiology of Trauma.

Every November ICI hosts a three day/two night beach retreat led by Dr. David Manock and the ICI executive team in Lincoln City, Oregon. We'd love to have you join us!
This year's retreat takes place Friday, November 1 through Sunday, November 3. Our 2024 retreat theme is The Neurobiology of Trauma.
The retreat is open to clinicians, interns, pastoral counselors, pastors, and those in the community interested in learning more about the topic being shared. Continuing education credits are available. If you are enrolled in our ICI certification track the retreat is required to reach Level 1 certification.
Please go to the link below for full details and to register for the retreat.
Theme Description
Using the neuroscience of relationship, Attachment Theory (AT), and Intersubjectivity Psychoanalysis (IS), we will explore the complexity of trauma, which sadly destroys the primary sense and experience of relationality.
Psychology can be organized around processing behavior (or processing cognition which impacts behavior), or around motivation which is relationally organized in early childhood and operative throughout life. IS sees the Motivational center as an unconscious process which neuroscience has confirmed. This November beach retreat will explore the correlative relationship and interaction of co-regulation and the three unconscious domains of IS: Pre-reflective Unconscious (PU), Invalidated Unconscious (IU) and Dynamic Unconscious (DU). These three will be structurally identified with the five brain levels and their functions.
The therapeutic movements to hold trauma, break the power of trauma, and reorganize & consolidate new organizing principles will be explored in Live Team exercises focusing on Joy and Fear which make up the foundational dynamic of the human in relationship.